Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good News in Egypt.

There is good news for Egyptian women today--Yahoo! news has reported that the country has announced plans to outlaw the heinous practice of female circumcision after a twelve-year-old girl died of complications from the procedure. (Apparently clitoridectomies have been "banned" since 1997, but there is a huge "exceptional cases" loophole.)

I was very happy to read of this. It is quite sad to know that so many women in the world have had such a disgusting thing done to them. The fact is, they have been robbed, oppressed and abused. I would dare to say that this practice is almost an exercise in dehumanization--wicked men are abusing their power by taking away part of women's identities as women.

Thank God that Egypt is taking steps to eliminate female cirumcision. I pray that other countries around the world would follow their lead.


Frasier said...

Its horrible....
There was a case here in Georgia where an Ethiopian couple blamed each other for their little daughters circumcision.I think the man went to jail though.

Pat Jenkins said...

there is no ifs ands or buts about it arab women are in need of a person to liberate them from this culture. whomever is called for this, will not have an easy road.

Livingsword said...


Are you implying that I am communicating and/or thinking like a 5 year old?

Hopefully this will be the reality of what happens and not just some law that does not get enforced, etc. One of the interesting things about Islam is the way it teaches that women are inclined to be the primary purveyors of sexual sin.

WomanHonorThyself said...

excellent news..thanks for sharing!!!