Saturday, March 15, 2008

Handlebars - Flobots

So this edition of Culture Corner is...a little different. I heard a song called "Handlebars" on the radio a few weeks back that really caught my attention. It's from a Denver band called the Flobots. The song and accompanying video really speak to the evil that humans can do to one another. The song captures the depravity of sin, thereby helping us to understand how necessary and effectual Jesus' death on the cross really was and is. If you choose to listen to the song and watch the video posted below, then, I urge you to think about what you are hearing and seeing through the lens of the gospel. Think about what redemption really means. Think about the work of the Holy Spirit. Think about God's amazing love. Think about what you can do to enlarge His kingdom.


Danny Wright said...
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Josh said...

This may be the sigle most powerful video I have ever seen. Incredible.

Danny Wright said...

You still here?

Anonymous said...

I should warn you that the Flowbots political commentary can be a bit anti-religion, or at least anti-establishment being that they're associated with Public Enemy and the like. But it is a good song, with a good point, even to people like me who don't go to church and such.

Jon said...


Thanks for the caviat. I had a feeling of such things, but I wanted to give credit where credit is due, even if the band's overall message is one with which I might not agree.

Anonymous said...

This isn't the real video by the flobots. go look at it will show you the real video someone made this. it's all over the internet. if you buy their cd like I did you will see what the song is about it's about the different between being in the corporate world and a free spirit. the rest of their cd is all pro life and against the war.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I would beware of associating Flobots intentions here with religion, if you watch the video one side itself represents organized "religion." They are not anti-religion, faith is something I am sure they would encourage, organized faith is much different than what this world really needs. Kinda the point they make in the real video not the one on this site. Here is the link to the real video

Aly K. said...

I love how you associate this song with the need for a faith in Christ. And I like the video that you chose to illustrate it, though it may not be the official video of Flobots. This is a very thought-provoking song, and every time I hear it, I am reminded on how much we need God in our lives. How we need him to guide us, and not go off on our own selfish, even evil, plans.

Great blog, Tiger's.