Wednesday, September 24, 2008 Takes on the Straw Man

I recently stumbled upon a very interesting and weird comic strip called Dinosaur Comics. The graphics never change (yet still amuse me every time), only the words. One strip I saw today I felt was apropos for posting here for three reasons:
  1. You learn about a logical fallacy.
  2. It pokes fun at people who debate each other on the Internet. (Who, me?)
  3. It achieves 1 and 2 in a funny way.

So without further ado, say hello to T-Rex, Dromiceiomimus and Utahraptor!



Livingsword said...


This is completely unbelievable…T-Rex’s arms are not long enough to use a computer….

Phil Wagner said...

Yay another Dino Comic reader!

Jon said...

Yeah, some of them are quite hilarious.

Eye Candy said...

~Greetings Jon~

In my studies here on SOL 3 I had the impression that the Strawman had no brain!