Sunday, December 16, 2007

Politics of Politics.

I have to be honest.  I am getting sick of politics*.  Every political campaign brings a fresh battery of negative or deceitful ads assaulting my eyes, ears and soul.  Republicans are criticized because they are Republican; Democrats because they are Democrat.  So-and-so had a child out of wedlock.  So-and-so voted to starve old people.  "George Bush is stupid." (Wow, what enlightening political commentary that is.)  

I serve an omnipotent God who concerns Himself with redeeming men's and women's souls.  He is fighting a battle with eternal ramifications.  The laws of any nation are words are here today, gone tomorrow.  

I am a committed Christian, and all my life I have been told that responsible Christians vote.  I am a registered voter, and I do vote.  I become less apt to do so with each passing day.  I hate the divisive nature of politics.  I hate the attitudes and actions of the power-mongers who populate the governing bodies.  I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

Here is my question: Why should I be concerned about our nation's political scene, as a Christian (my allegiance is to Christ first)?  If being involved in politics can be a good and moral activity, how so?  In other words, why should I care about our government when there are people within my sphere whose lives I can make better?

I want to be a follower of Christ in this country.  I need a little help on this one.

*I am speaking of state and national politics, not so much local politics.


Anonymous said...


Good post! (I really appreciate your blog, by the way). Francis Schaeffer addresses the political problem succinctly and poignantly in A CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO. It is a short read (assuming you haven't already read it...forgive me if it is a false assumption).

I just addressed some of this on my blog, albeit VERY briefly (perhaps too briefly). However, your question calls for Biblical grounds for political participation, which I did not give. I am now inspired to dig. Let me know if you come up with something before me! :)


Livingsword said...

Hi Jon;

I wrote a series of articles on this very theme as I am so similar to you on this, you can find it on the right sidebar of my Life on the Blade blog under “Politics and Religion: Law and Relationship with God: The Series”. I would love to read and respond to any comments you would add….

Jon said...


Thanks, I have not read that book by Schaeffer. I will have to do so.

Jon said...


I did appreciate your blog posting on the subject. I think the scriptures you pointed out are very poignant. (Although I admit, I haven't make it through all of the responses yet.)

I look forward to continuing the conversation if I can with this post.

I will think upon it some more, and perhaps make more comments afterward.