Friday, January 1, 2010


I've finally done it. I've joined the Twitter craze. I did it on a whim, really. I was reading a book and had just marked a sentence as important with my pen when I thought, "What if I tweeted this?" What if I provided brief excerpts of what I've read in the hopes that someone, somewhere would be intrigued enough to pick up the text in question? I thought it was a worthy enough idea that I implemented it. Therefore, I bring you LiterateTwit.

Be forewarned: I will not be tweeting about my daily life--when I go to the store, when we run out of toilet paper, and that sort of thing. My tweets will deal exclusively with material I am reading so as to edify the recipient and encourage him or her to read quality books, journals and articles. It will also be replacing the Reading List section of my blog. In the future, then, in order to know what I'm reading, just check Twitter!

1 comment:

Danny Wright said...

I have just said no, but I like your idea.