Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Exclusivity in the Bible.

The more I read the Old Testament, the more I realize that Jesus was right when he said that He was the only way to the Father. To all those who hold that all religions eventually get to God, I have a challenge for you: Read the Pentateuch.

The Exodus story alone will dispel the “all religions are one” myth for any intelligent reader. God comes down to the mountain and gives Moses tablet after tablet after tablet of laws that Israel must follow. Try to sit down and read them all—the task is perhaps as equally arduous as attempting to abide by them. If you can actually get through them all, the question that necessarily nags at you is, Good lord, how could anybody follow all of these laws? This is exactly the point. Nobody can, which is why God institutes the blood sacrifice. Now, animals are a temporary sacrifice. Just take a look at all of the animals that had to be sacrificed, and you’ll wonder if the Israelites had any livestock left at all. The only permanent sacrifice for breaking a holy God’s perfect law would be a holy, perfect sacrifice. Amazingly enough, Jesus comes along. Here is a holy, perfect man who gives up his life…“as a ransom for many.” He becomes the permanent blood sacrifice, and he “seals the deal” by breaking the seal on his own tomb—from the inside.

The biblical metanarrative lays it out plainly. We have all transgressed the law of God, and Jesus’ death is our only means to God. This is the defining feature of Christianity. No other religion makes this claim. It is exclusive and narrow, two traits that are not very popular at present. I don’t care about what’s popular, however; I care about the truth.

You can decide whether or not to believe Christianity’s claims, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that all religions are basically the same. The Bible doesn’t give you that alternative.

I apologize that there is nothing new and revolutionary here, but what is here can give you a new and revolutionized life.


Anonymous said...

Jon, great post. Thanks for the comment at my blog.

Livingsword said...

Interesting blog, I have bookmarked it for future visits.

As somebody that engages "common people" in these matters everyday I humbly suggest another tactic in dialogue. Typically most of the people that are claiming the "all paths" idea are doing it for either or both of two reasons. One is they are not intillectually honest or have never studied the major "religions". Or the other big one is that they don't want to "hurt" anybodies feelings by saying anybody is wrong (even post-moderns fall into this camp).

So here is another approach. If they give the "all paths" line we can show how much we (Chritians) care about others by pointing out that this is an insult to every person of every religion. It says all people of all religions are to stupid to recognize all religions are the same. It also makes all religious claims "illigitimate", what a terrible thing to say about all those "religous" folks.

Normally they are happy to attack Christians but they abhore the fact that they are actually attacking (hurting) everybody!

I have found this to be extremely effective.

Jon said...


Thanks for the idea. You make a good point, and I can imagine that this tactic works well in conversation. I will endeavor to use it when I can.

I appreciate your readership.